Thursday, November 26, 2009

Counting my Blessings this Thanksgiving

This Thanksgiving hasn't been like all of the others. I wasn't home to cook a turkey and I didn't have the pleasure of joining my neighbors for the annual dessert gathering like I had hoped. I have traded the comforts of home for a hospital bed and IV drip, but I am still counting my blessings because there are many.

I have a husband that loves and supports me. My four year old daughter is healthy, happy and thriving. As of today, our twins are still doing well and growing like weeds in "the oven". We have a wonderful place to call home where we are surrounded by a huge support network of friends. I have some of the best girlfriends who love, support and care for me. We are blessed with family members that are willing to uproot their lives to come and be with us in our time of need.

This Thanksgiving, I am counting my blessings and focusing on what's good in my life and although there are many things that are challenging right now due to my having to be inpatient with our Momo Twins, I am thankful for all of the many blessings I have been given in life.

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!


Robyn said...

Hi! I have been inpatient with Momo twins now for 22 days, and I have been here since 24 weeks. We should keep in touch!

girlytwins said...

You certainly are blessed. Happy Thanksgiving to you too.